Assoċjazzjoni Wirt il-Kalkara has in recent days launched another important project, that of the conservation of the historical-religious heritage of Kalkara. Through funds obtained from the Cottonera Projects and Initiatives Fund of the Kottonera Foundation, an intensive restoration is being carried out on three marble works of art located in the Parish Church. These are: the baptismal font work of the marmist Mariano Russo originally used in the old Church in 1898 which was saved after the war, the holy water font which like the baptismal font is at the entrance of the Church, and the main altar built by the marmist Armando Battelli in 1953 which was donated by the Mintoff family to the present Church.

The restoration works, which includes several different stages, is being carried out by James Licari and Ingrid Ross from Heritage ResCo. Over the past few days a site visit was made by the Hon. Glenn Bedingfield, Chairman of the Kottonera Foundation, and was explained the phases of this project, he praised this initiative. In a statement, Assoċjazzjoni Wirt il-Kalkara reiterated that it is our committment to continue working hard to protect and preserve all kind of historical heritage of Kalkara.