PC/00070/22 – Proposed shifting of front garden and building alignment, at Triq it-Turretta c/w Triq Patri Mattew Sultana, Kalkara.

The developer is seeking to achieve a planning control permit, in order to further increase the developable envelope on site, thus reducing the rural conservation area. Hence, if this application is approved, this will result in development of land that is not designated for development.
A similar application on site to this application i.e. PC/00028/19, has already been submitted and was already refused. The application was refused for the following reason: “The Executive Council took note of the objections raised by the representees in that the site falls within a Rural Conservation Area where no further urban intensification should take place. The extension to the developable area would prejudice the protection status of the Rural Conservation Area as indicated on Map 23 of the Grand Harbour Local Plan and thus runs counter to the local plan.”
The site forms part of a buffer zone to the existing Cart Ruts of Archaeological importance. as indicated in the list of scheduled property by means of Government Notice (G.N.) 0930 of 2002. If this application will be considered for approval, other planning applications on the site will follow, eventually leading to further urban sprawling, potentially damaging the protected Cart Ruts (as the buffer zone would be substantially decreased) and would have an adverse negative impact on the heritage of Malta and the environment.
Assoċjazzjoni Wirt il-Kalkara is aggravated and is concerned by the above facts. It has submitted its corresponding representation and objection in line with the above. It is hereby also encouraging other individuals and entities to follow suit for the benefit of the whole community and conservation of the local heritage.
Click here to submit your representation.