During this week the Assoċjazzjoni Wirt il-Kalkara has signed the contract through which during the next year the project called “Għaddi” – an experiential walk through Kalkara, will be launched. This project was submitted as an application for the fund Creative Communities of the Arts Council Malta, which application was ranked as first from all those submitted in this edition.
The project aims to celebrate Kalkara’s socio-cultural identity, history and collective memory by having active community members narrate their stories and experience of the village while sharing their skills and abilities as part of an experiential walk made available to the public. This will be achieved through a co-creation process involving the local community members, Assoċjazzjoni Wirt il-Kalkara, Esplora Interactive Science Centre, community artist Kristina Borg, the Kalkara Parish youth group and the endorsement of the Kalkara Local Council. The walk will depart from Esplora and will take the walkers through the streets of Kalkara.
The preparatory work on this project has started, and in the coming days more information will be given for the participation of particular sectors and even the general public. The Committee of Assoċjazzjoni Wirt il-Kalkara would like to thank Kristina Borg and Esplora for the joint effort.
This project is supported by Arts Council Malta – Creative Communities.