After less than a month ago Assoċjazzjoni Wirt il-Kalkara signed a contract which incorporates the restoration project of an embroidered antependium cofinanced through European funds, during the past days a restoration firm was chosen to perform this work through a public call made by the same Association. For the Request for Quotation call AWK/GLX/001/2019 the local firm Atelier del Restauro was selected and the main tasks will be done by the professional restorer Ms. Valentina Lupo.
In a statement, the Association thanked all firms that participated in the bid and thus made possible the verification and acceptance of the funding application.

Concurrently, during the last days, the antependium was transported to the Atelier del Restauro laboratories so as to commence the preliminary works. A method statement was finalized which describes the meticulous work of preservation and restoration involved throughout the whole process.
The Assoċjazzjoni Wirt il-Kalkara shall be updating the public with further developments. The project, in collaboration with the Parish of Kalkara, is expected to be completed over the next year.
This project is cofinanced under the LEADER Programme of the Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014 – 2020.