Assoċjazzjoni Wirt il-Kalkara notes with satisfaction the restoration works being carried out throughout this year on several derelict buildings and structures found in Fort Ricasoli. It was this Association that back in 2018 started a campaign of information and awareness regards the much-needed comprehensive restoration on the largest fort in Europe. The Association took the initiative to prepare a detailed report on the extensive damage found and provided several other suggestions one can opt to safeguard, restore and upkeep this fort. In 2019, with the efforts of the Kottonera Foundation under the chairmanship of Hon. Glenn Bedingfield, cleansing works, maintenance and evictions were initiated.
Within the same year, the Government of Malta allocated an investment of €1,000,000 so that restoration works commissioned by the Restoration Directorate could start on several derelict structures and buildings. Throughout this year 2020 several restoration works were carried out among of which were in dire need of attention. The Assoċjazzjoni Wirt il-Kalkara, not only would like to praise the professional work that is being carried out by the Restoration Directorate and the ongoing management from the Kottonera Foundation but would also like to appeal to the Government of Malta to allocate more funds for this year so that restoration works could continue on this massive project, especially on the particular zones that are at the most dangerous state of collapse. By collaborating and working together, and with keen expectations of alternative use of this fort, we will continue working hard to preserve our heritage.
Credit for photos: Restoration Directorate
Casemated battery at No 1 Curtain in Fort Ricasoli
St Dominic Counterguard in Fort Ricasoli